What is a Priapus Shot?
The Priapus Shot® is named for the Greek god of fertility. The procedure consists of 6 penile injections that enhance blood flow and improve erection quality by up to 98%!
The P-Shot® utilizes platelet-rich plasma. The concentrated platelets release growth factors called cytokines and chemokines which stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and induce collagen. The improved density and circulation in the tissue results in better penile function, firmness and enhanced size and sensitivity.
Benefits of the Priapus Shot
- Improved erection (5 point increase based upon a 25 point medical scale)
- 60% of patients report an increase in penis length (up to a ½ inch) and girth
- The feeling of a more youthful and restored functionality in sexual performance
- Dramatically improved blood flow causes the effects from medicines such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra to be far more effective
- Because PRP is autologus (your own), there are no systemic side effects or risks
- Results are fully realized in 1-3 weeks and can typically last over a year, some patients may require more than one treatment
- The procedure is non-surgical and cost effective compared to other treatments for ED and has no downtime
- PRP is non-pharmaceutical and can be used for ED due to diabetes, vascular disease and depression, just to name a few, without risk of drug interaction
Priapus Shot Procedure – How Does it Work?
Penile injection? DON’T PANIC! After topical numbing is applied, the procedure is virtually painless. A very small gauge needle is utilized to inject the PRP into 3 areas of the penis. There is no risk of necrosis or other harmful side effects, because the body recognizes the injected PRP as its own. Platelet Rich Plasma releases the growth factors that then attract stem cells to the area and signal proliferation of cells.
Dr. Ferdinand Cabrera discusses the P-Shot procedure and it’s ability to regenerate your sexual function.
Because the body cannot identify a specific injury in the area, a penis pump is then used immediately after the procedure and for 20 minutes a day for at least two weeks after.
The pump is used to expand the vessels and tissue, creating tiny micro-tears in the Ultimately, the P-Shot® provides real results, improving the health of the penis to create a visibly longer, firmer, and fuller organ. The treatment is a non-surgical procedure with results that reach their full effect within as little as three months, the P-Shot® is the ideal option for all men who want to improve their sensitivity and pleasure for a more satisfying life that includes sexual intimacy.
Request Your Appointment
To learn more about P-Shot Therapy, contact Genesis Health Institute Fort Lauderdale area location today! Call ☎ (954) 561-3175 or contact us online.